Now I know there are few things on the dinner table that can make or break the dinner like the side dishes. the right side dishes with the right entrees can make your dinner party a huge success, but the wrong side dishes??? those will make people hesitate to come to your dinners again.
there are of course many versions and variations to side dishes, some healthy, some should come with a warning label and a free call to the ambulance. This is a good recipe that balances both worlds well, its got some fat, but its mostly healthy,
1 box whole wheat elbows
1/2 a block of cheddar cheese or 2 1/2 cups
21/2 cups milk ( can be soy just not flavored)
2oz butter
1 red onion
1/4 cup whole wheat flour or amaranth (to give it a kick)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
& 1/2 tsp fresh ground nutmeg
I hope you enjoy your baked mac and cheese side dish!!
As always
happy eating and safe flying