Friday, 12 November 2010


On Why I contemplated boycotting Amazon. O_O Two days ago in my Blogger posts view I saw a notice about something serious.  Please take the moment to read it then come back.
I love amazon, I'm a big supporter of what they were doing, but after reading that and following the link to Fox news, (now normally I wouldn't listen to anything Fox has to say but this was more important than politics) of course I also researched it myself, I went onto amazon and typed in the name and sure enough there it is.
Now I want to know what editor sat down and really read this book and thought " Oh yes this is a market that's not being explored lets publish this book??". If this is a self published book  then I'm thinking the police need to start looking into the author's life.
This isn't a freedom of speech moment like Amazon was trying to say, this is a book that promotes the destruction of lives. The hurting of our must precious resource and they want to say that this is censorship??? I call BULLSHIT. Anyone, who thinks that this author has the write to create a book that promotes this needs to take a good look at their own lives. I hope to the Gods you don't have kids because this isn't the moment to get all high and mighty about protecting speech, this is the moment to PROTECT our Kids. They matter not some pedophiles right to purchase a book about how to choose victims.
If this was a book about any other subject I would be inclined to say to each his/her own but not this. I have gone onto my account and taken down any lists(wish list, and such) emptied my shopping cart and pretty much deaded my account.  It will be a long time before I will purchase from them because they need to know this is NOT kosher by any stretch of the imagination.
As if by serendipity two shows on Oprah has been dedicated to speaking to the male victims of sexual abuse and assault. You can watch episode 1 here on Please be aware that the show is explicit and very emotional.
(if your an empath it's best to ward yourself first otherwise, your in for a lot of crying and pain)

What is happening in out world? How can we protect our children when there are people out there determined to take them from us? To destroy their innocence?
This is a uberfail for amazon, & for the publisher . it is also a teaching moment

Blessed Be