Wednesday, 15 December 2010

KWW: Mulled Wine Kit

There are many drinks that can be mulled, which is a fancy word of heated, such as mead, cider and of course wine.  In the olden days, mulled wine would be created when a heated poker would be taken from the fire and added to the glass of wine or cider or mead which already had the spices in it.  Now we have a few more sanitary ways in which to do this.  Mulled wines became really popular during the middle ages, as they were believed to help keep people healthy 8considering the way things were done then, they probably were right).

Here is a great mulled wine recipe and gift idea for those on your list who are wine lovers. this recipe is from my new  A Greener Christmas book which is chuck full of ideas and crafts (I'll do a review later)

1 cinnamon stick
fresh nutmeg
12 cloves
1 square cheesecloth about 7x7 about 18 by 18 cm
a length of twine
1 pinch of ginger
1 bottle red wine
                                                       Mulled wine instructions:
  • Put the wine, sachet of herbs, half a cup of water, 6 tbsp of sugar in a pan.
  • Heat gently until the sugar has dissolved, but don't allow to boil.  
  • You can add brandy, gin, Cointreau or port or juice of one orange and 1 orange and 1 lemon, each sliced cut into segments.  
You can make this into a great gift for someone, by making the instructions into a cut little card. Place the herbs and spices in a sachet and attach to the bottle. Give it to them, and enjoy the Yuletide cheer.

Happy Kitchen blessings my loves
Blessed Be