Wednesday, 27 July 2011

KWW: Jamaican Chicken Curry

It's KWW again and I'm here to share a nice Jamaican Recipe, now I'm sure ya'll have seen everyone of those celebruity chefs who claim to know how to make 'authentic' Jamaican food. I'm so sorry but they have lied to you, you can't learn Jamaican food from watching a non=Jamaican or being taught by someone who thinks they really know the recipe. (can you tell this is my biggest pet peeve)
Authentic Jamaican means using real jamaican incgredients, so McCormick's curry is NOT a real curry and will not taste the same. Real Jamacian curry is spicy, it's either by Jamican Choice or Grace curry, the BEST of the Best is BH Curry Powder,grown, made, and packaged in Jamaica.  Since everything can be gotten online now a days it should be pretty average in price of about 5.00 a bottle and that should last a while.
Here's the recipe enjoy!!
  • 4 large pieces of chicken (with or without bone is fine) cut- up
  • 2 Tbsp of curry
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 green onion
  • 3 medium/ large potatoes cubed
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 Tbsp oil
  • black pepper
  • scotch bonnet pepper (if you have it)
  • 2 large carrots cut into 1/2 circles 
  • Heat oil in a large pan, once heated add in curry allow to turn a rich brown (about 5 mins)
  • Once curry is done, add in your chicken, allow the chicken to 'brown' on one side (about five- ten mins) before you turn, add in all your chicken and allow to cook through thoroughly.
  • Once it is cooked add in your onion, celery, green onion and chopped scotch bonnet. Add in water and cover allow to cook about 10-15 mins
  • add in carrots and potatoes and cover and allow to cook down
  • Make sure to stir and not have your food stick if you need to slowly add water 1/4 cup at a time until it is not sticking but not watery. 

 I served mine over white rice and it was great, once again, please don't tell my mom I gave over all the ways to make her amazing curry.

Fun Fact: Many Jamaican restaurants serve curry with bread, the reason?? If it's too spicy the bread helps to soak up the spice, water will only spread it.

Be Blessed