Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Book Review: Destiny Calls

Book Title: Destiny Calls 
Author: Samantha Wayland
Publisher: Ellorascave ( Jasmine Jade Publishing)
Pages: 209
Cost; $ 6.99
How I Got it: Purchased 
Description: Patrick didn’t think it would be a big deal to kiss his best friend Brandon. Hell, they’d done crazier things to avoid a bar fight. He was totally unprepared to be wildly turned on, the kiss opening up new avenues of pleasure he’d never dreamt of—Patrick, after all, was straight, even if Brandon wasn’t.
Destiny’s never been afraid to ask for what she wants. When she sees Patrick and Brandon together, she knows exactly what she wants—the three of them in bed together, preferably with her in the middle of a hot, naked-man sandwich with her two best friends.
When Brandon finds himself hunted by an unknown enemy, the three friends find themselves fighting for their lives—and their hearts.

My take on the book:
Move over Destiny because these men are mine!! Can I say Samantha did it again? Her books (at least these two that I have read) are amazing. Characters with depth, relationships with meaning, Sex to die for, a little adventure thrown in & you have one hell of a story. I love the realism of the story, just because we have a thing going on doesn't mean it's permanent, & it takes one hell of a change for the people involved to look around and realise that they want more than just tonight. It sure helps that they run into the characters from With Grace. The books do link together, enhancing each story but can be read as stand alone as well. When I read With Grace, I immediately went back and purchased Destiny Calls just because I was so intrigued to hear Brandon's story.

The sex scenes are steamy, the romance is a bumpy ride to happiness & for once it's not the woman in the relationship who wants it to be permanent, in fact...wait no... I won't spoil it for you. Read this book, get the other one as well, lock the door and read to your hearts' content.

Story is 5/5 Excellent Read
Sex Scenes are 5/5 of Steamy

I truly enjoy supporting Jasmine Jade/Ellorascave books & I think you should too. (I am not receiving anything from them to say this or to review the books, so it's a honest review and an honest show of love for small press companies)

Be Blessed & Enjoy your reads