Thursday, 12 April 2012

Giveaway:All's Fair in Vanities War: Now Closed

Hello Readers & Welcome to our newest giveaway.
Here's a chance to enter to win a copy of All's Fair in Vanities War by Elizabeth Marx.
The rules are simple, sign up to be a follower, and enter your name below. That's it!! Best of luck to everyone.

The winner will be chosen by, at the end of the month and will be announced on Beltaine.
Enter your name below and that's it you enter in for a chance to win a copy of Elizabeth's awesome book.
More chances to win just come back to comment what you did and share the links:
  1. when you tweet, 
  2. blog
  3. share on facebook 
The more you do the more you increase your chances to win, open to international winners.  No purchase necessary.

Best of Luck!!!