Saturday, 11 August 2012

Book Review: Goddess in the Middle

Book Title: Goddess in the Middle Forgotten Goddess Bk 3
Author: Stephanie Julian
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Format: Paperback, Ebook, 
Cost: $14.99
Pages: 336
How I got it: ARC from Netgalley
My Rating:★★★★★
TOGETHER. THEY CREATE THE MOST POWERFUL MAGIC OF ALL ...Romulus and Remus are sexy werewolf cousins with an unbreakable bond. When they meet beautiful goddess Amity and save her from an encroaching demon, they discover that the three of them together are way more powerful than any of them could ever have imagined. And they're going to need that power to overcome the forces that are determined to steal Amity's magic and destroy the two men. As different as night and day, and each an amazing man in his own right, Rom and Remy make all of Amity's deepest fantasies come true ...
My Review:
Amity was once worshiped as the Goddess of Health along with her sister, when the Etruscan ruled what is now modern day Italy.  Today se serves the people by being a medical aesthician healing those she can without their knowledge, doing her best to use the last of her powers to aide those who need her the most.  Much like her sisters she find herself being hunted and by chance meets two of the best warriors of the werewolves.  I have never read any of Ms Julian's writings before, and I will be remedying that as soon as possible, her writing is beautiful and flowed well, strong characters who aren't stereotypical.

I enjoyed the mythology of this world and even though i hadn't read the other books, I was entranced and pulled into it, each character that was introduced made me want to read the previous books and anymore that are coming out especially X and the king of the Underworld.  I kind of guessed what he wanted long before the author started sharing little bits about him, (I had read another book about the God of the underworld and I loved it) so this book only endeared him to me, although his methods leave much to be desired.

The love story that builds pulls you in, engages your emotions so much that by the end your rooting for them, hoping that the characters realized that they needed each other.  Rom was the most reluctant until he realized that Amity needed them as much as they needed her and then he was all ofr it; Remy knew right from the start that he wasn't leaving her and he needed his cousin to realize they both needed her as much as she needed both of them. Poor Amity couldn't see how much she needed them at first, until they set about showing her, and boy did they show her.

I enjoyed that the action didn't take a backseat to the love story and the love story wasn't pushed beneath the story's continuation of the series. This book could stand on it's own, you didn't need to read the others to appreciate it.  I loved this story, Amity, Remy and Rom made for a wonderful story, and I can't wait to read the rest of the series, especially X's and the Underworld King's stories *hint hint*

*****FTC guidelines states i must make you aware I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a honest review******