Tuesday, 26 February 2013

ARC Book Review: A Scandal, A Secret, a Baby

Book Title: A Scandal, A Secret, a Baby
Author: Sharon Kendrick
Publisher: Harlequin Presents
Format: ebook
Cost: $3.82
Pages: 384
How I got it: NetGalley
My Rating:★★★ 1/2
Erotica Rating: N/A
One sinful night…Dante D'Arezzo is the last person famous songwriter Justina Perry wants to see at her best friend's wedding. The wickedly sexy Italian is ruthless to the core. He broke her heart once; she won't surrender to his insatiable desire again. But what Dante wants… One very big scandal! Justina's pregnancy hits the front page and Dante knows he's the father. He'll make her pay for trying to keep his child from him. His Miss Independent is about to become completely dependent…on him! This Italian will claim his heir and—if he wants her—a wife! Plus a Sharon Kendrick reader-favorite: Marriage Scandal, Showbiz Baby!

My Review:
I'm a huge murder`mystery  paranormal & erotic romance lover. I love reading book that get your adrenaline kicking, heart racing, and your mind engaged, but every once in a while i need to gear down and read something simple, for that I read simple romance like these, they are little bites that aren't too deep, too drastic or too overwhelming   It's like sniffing coffee beans after smelling lots of perfumes, it just cleanses the palate.

I liked this book, it's simple and it's actually two books in one.  I believe the male characters are related they both have the same last name anyway, but there was no real mention in the second book of relatives.  so I can't be sure.  Each book is about famous people and the rigors of that fame.  Personally it did kind of make me feel sorry for those in the spotlight but then I thought about it, you choose that life. The first story really pulled me in because these were two headstrong people who just didn't know the meaning of the word "compromise".  The situation that they found themselves in could have been prevented if they talked about it, but you know hindsight being what it is, they never realized how much they had until it was gone.  Dante' believed women should have their lives then marry and then their lives become their husbands and their children, Justina is a woman who grew up with a broken mother who found herself through the men she snagged from their wives, so Justina swung the other way trying not to be like that AT ALL.  Control became her savior and her success kept her together.  I get why she was like that, I understand her fear, but I just don't understand Dante' hard line, like did you not grow up in the 21st century?? I get it your old school but umm my man, no, just no.

As for the second book??? Once a cheater always a cheater, I don't care how or why you cheated. You made the  decision to step out on your partner, that makes you the bad guy.  As for Jennifer, she wanted to prove that she wasn't just there because of her husband's fame, and she then took her great relationship and threw it away. Just because other women are idiots and disrespect your marriage doesn't mean you have to blame your partner, he choose you, and he's here with you, so what if the waitress is giving him the eye balls?? Stop being an idiot.

I love these books because they are small and quick to read, but because they also remind of what the heck not to do. Both of these women had me rolling my eyes at their stupidity  then sympathizing because let's be real, how many of us have done the same thing?? *raises hand*  I'm not sure if I like Matteo, he was a bit of an ass, but i did like Dante' because he really strives to change when he realized he lost the woman he loved because he was archaic in his views, Matteo?? he cheated I'm not sure I can forgive that.  Although his panic at the end?? Yeah I totally liked him a little better since he wasn't so damn sure of himself.

I do however give mean O_o to the mothers of both the women in the story, lets just say broken women raise broken children. Get your stuff together and stop passing that crap on. Grrr also one to Dante's mother too but for being such a know it all.

So there you have it, I liked the book, it's a check it out when you have a chance, and if you love little romance books that are quick reads; then this is perfect.

Happy Reading
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***FTC Rules require I state that I received this as a review copy from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review****