Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Erotica Book Review: With This Collar

Book Title: With this Collar Mastered Book 1
Author: Sierra Cartwright
Publisher: Ebound
Format: ebook
Cost: $5.18
Pages: 167
How I got it: Author
My Rating:★★★★☆
Erotica Rating: ★★★★★
Book one in the Mastered Series Julia Lyle will have nothing to do with domineering men, no matter how tall, dark, and sexy. But Dom Marcus Cavendish will be satisfied with nothing less than collaring the fiercely independent Julia. Nothing could have shocked her more… Julia Lyle is invited to her best friend’s wedding and is stunned when Lana kneels to accept her husband’s collar. When Julia starts to object, firm, relentless hands land on her shoulders. The man behind her threatens to turn her over his knee if she interrupts. She’s outraged, but there’s no doubt he’s serious. After the ceremony, he offers her a glimpse into her friend’s lifestyle, if she’s brave enough to accept. Master Marcus Cavendish is everything she doesn’t want in a man—dominant, self-assured and arrogant. So why can’t she resist him? Telling herself that learning about the lifestyle will make her a better friend, Julia agrees to submit to Master Marcus, but only for the evening. Firm and unrelenting in his handling of her, he introduces her to his tawse and the pleasure/pain of a spanking delivered by a competent Dom. The experience unnerves her, making her question everything she thought she knew about relationships, and his forced orgasms leave her shattered. No doubt the scene seduced her, and that makes her doubly determined to avoid him. She has fought hard for her freedom and vowed only to date nice men, and Master Marcus is anything but safe. Marcus is undeterred. Julia is a natural sub. The way she responded to his touch, his voice, his punishment proved it. Now he has to convince her to yield to him, submitting to his tawse as she kneels to accept his collar.

My Review:
Holy Hotness Batman!! I remember reading Sierra's Dangerzone from the Hawkeye Series. ( I constantly re-read it, because woozer that Dom is hot!!) It's a good, well written story &amp it flows well, the characters were realistic and very good together.  So when she mentioned that she had gotten her author's copies in of her newest book, I was all over it.  My only other information about the story was "do you like hardcore BDSM"??  Do I ??!! Hell Yeah!! O_o  I do  have to say was good Goddess it is HOT!!

I'm glad I had no preconceived notions about the book, but then the book would have kicked them to the curb anyway.  It's only a little less than 200 pages. It took me 3 days because life just kept intervening.  Sierra managed to do an introductory BDSM while showing the possibilities of sub life, she captured just how (boring) & necessary all the talking can be while still making it erotic not an easy task but one that is done rather well if you ask me.  Master Marcus did well in showing Julia the different types of types of relationships that were there & allowed her to set the pace while still being the Dom.

That first scene at the wedding was both touching & hilarious because of Julia's reaction. Her inner monologue sounded a lot like mine, which is probably why I like her so much.  I liked that she was willing to take a chance & learn something new.The scenes between Julia & her Dom were good, I mean really good ( and realistic). My favorite part has to be her learning to put the Dom's feelings first, even her reactions to it were very real & right on point for the character's previous behavior 

I loved that Master Marcus made the dungeon specifically for Julia & that even though he's had a bad relationship he was still willing to move forward when he realized that Julia was it for him.  I loved that Lara was so real with Julia and made her see the truth without being a know it all.  That final scene when she slipped in " as many over the knees as you desire" had me cracking up, still hanging on to her independence even while submitting.

I do know I would love to read Lana's story & I can't wait to read Master Damien's story & of course Gideon's as well.   Those stories should be ...well let's just say 'fun' is too tame a word.  I can't quite convey how good the story is. You'll have to read it don't just take my word for it.
 Purchase                           Add to Goodreads

***FTC Rules require I state that I received this as a review copy from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review****